The Team

The backbone of VACT

VACT is a worldwide action group formed to catalyze socio-economic change in India through education of underprivileged children. VACT aims to bring hopes into the lives of these children. VACT was established on 11th of April 2011 by a group of friends and volunteers, working in various multinational organizations, who are keen in helping their motherland.

More than 100 members and counting

Momentarily, there are 130 members in the group who are all working in various organizations & in various part of the globe. There are a lot of promising volunteers who are backing up the task in all aspects to make this vision a "dream come true". Each of the members has a simple, yet a strong goal "Lend a helping hand". And there lies the strength of VACT.

VACT is a charitable team started by a group of friends working in India as well as abroad. We are a non-profit, non-governmental organization and planning to register soon in India. Currently there are more than 100 members in the charity group who are all Engineers working in different companies & different countries.

Members List

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List of our Esteemed VACT members.
